Andy Graydon - VOICES


Andy Graydon Voices sleeve.jpg

Sound works of Installation pieces and film

VOICES Andy Graydon

1. The Findings (installation version)

2. Faltungen (Im Westen nichts Neues)

3. The Findings (film version)


All proceeds will be donated to United States as a result of our efforts to support the victims of COVID-19, which is causing enormous casualties in many countries as of 2020.

* You can download liner notes of VOICES PDF as bonus item.



We've changed the album sleeve on the subscription accordingly.

The reason for this is very clear:

the most important release should be for supporter who has purchased a physical release and/or digital release.







The Findings Steingrímur Eyfjord

Faltungen (Im Westen nichts Neues) Karin Nagao

All music compositions in The Findings (film version) by Kenneth Kirschner

an exercise, a play, a calligramm, a song, a transcription, and a storyboard were first published in Volume Two, part of the ongoing series of works collectively entitled The Findings.

Volume Three consists of various prints, drawings, sculptural works and performance actions that are further components of The Findings, images of which appear throughout this book.

Elements of Volume Two and Volume Three designed by Silvia Gioberti and Amandine Descamps, Saygel & Schreiber, Berlin. Faltungen (Im Westen nichts Neues) was commissioned by the Kranich Museum, Hessenburg, Germany. Special thanks to David Komary and Galerie Stadtpark, Krems, Austria; Alex Schweder; Kenneth Kirschner; Amir Fattal; Stephan Köhler; Louky and Bart Keijsers Koning.

audio mastering by Yukitomo Hamasaki mAtter |

All works © Andy Graydon except where otherwise noted

mAtter 2020


POSTSCRIPT : 10 June, 2020

Dear friends and supporters,

Thank you so very much for supporting coronavirus relief efforts in the US by purchasing my VOICES ebook and audio release from mAtter. I’m happy to report that together we were able to donate $220 to the United Way of New York Covid-19 Community Fund. Thanks to Yukitomo Hamasaki and mAtter for making this project and donation possible. I hope you are all staying safe and strong right now, and my best wishes to each of you as we fight together the twin crises of the global pandemic and the systemic racial injustices in the United States. 

Aloha, and thank you,

Andy Graydon

The UWNYC Covid-19 Community Fund, hosted by United Way in partnership with corporate, nonprofit and foundation entities, and individual donors like you, will allow us to rapidly deploy resources to community-based organizations that are offering emergency relief to families and individuals in need.