Jacob Kirkegaard concert at Curtocircuíto, SPAIN

mAtter released artist Jacob Kirkegaard playing his work “MELT“ at Curtocircuíto – International Film Festival in Santiago de Compostela

Melt - Jacob Kirkegaard

03.10.2018 20:00 h Rúa Nova


Melt - Jacob Kirkegaard

MELT is composed of recordings of different stages of ice melting, moving from violent sounds of ice caps grinding against each other, to trickling sequences and flows of water. MELT traces how water moves through different aggregate phases, from solid to liquid, changing the combination of molecules irrevocably. It is both an image for constant flow and change, and for how human actions affect the world surrounding us. All sounds were recorded in Greenland by Kirkegaard in 2013 and 2015.

Jacob Kirkegaard

Jacob Kirkegaard is an artist and composer who works in carefully selected environments to generate recordings that are used in compositions, or combined with video imagery in visual, spatial installations.

Kirkegaard has presented his works at galleries, museums and concert spaces throughout the world, including MoMA in New York, LOUISIANA - Museum of Modern Art and ARoS in Denmark, KW in Berlin, The Menil Collection & at the Rothko Chapel in Houston, Aichi Triennale in Nagoya, the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, Japan.

Kirkegaard's sound works are released on the TOUCH (UK), Important Records (USA), mAtter (JAP), VON Archives (FR), Holotype Editions (GR) & Posh Isolation (DK) labels. He is a founding member of the sound art collective freq_out. In 2016, Jacob Kirkegaard was the sound-artist-in-residency at St. John's College, University of Oxford, U.K.



our released information of Jacob Kirkegaard / Sabulation


This release information link > Jacob Kirkegaard / Sabulation


It is a workshop of France Jobin, an artist who is planning to release from mAtter in the future.


Soledad, Medellín es un laboratorio de arte sonoro orientado a realizar un proceso de escucha, registro y composición de sonidos, partiendo del paisaje sonoro y culminando en una instalación multi-canal.

Etapa 1 – Escucha, registro y composición

Lugar: Exploratorio

El laboratorio cercará a los participantes a su territorio mediante el acto de grabación de campo en varias partes de la ciudad que son contradictorios sonoramente en términos de dinámica social, geografía y los vecindarios. La multidimensionalidad específica de Medellín ofrece una rica paleta de sonidos que puede permitir a los participantes reconectarse con su entorno.


  • Iniciación a técnicas de grabación de campo

  • Grabaciones de campo en varias zonas de Medellín

  • Tratamiento – procesamiento de grabación de campo

  • Preparaciones de material sonoro para composición

  • Exploración de estética de arte sonoro.


Etapa 2 – Espacialización multi-canal

Lugar: Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín [LAB3]

El laboratorio concluirá como una instalación de sonido multicanal creada por los participantes para ser presentada durante 2 o 3 días en el LAB3. Serán llevados a través de todo el proceso de la creación de una instalación de sonido y de la consagración de la noche de apertura, una oportunidad para que todos experimentemos una soledad colectiva a través del arte sonoro.


  • Presentación del espacio, altavoces, exploración del sistema multicanal

  • Introducción a la composición para múltiples parlantes

  • Establecer el concepto de espacialización – arquitectura

  • Cómo representar mejor el concepto espacialmente

  • Composición de la pieza para la instalación teniendo en cuenta cómo se dispersará el sonido

More Information >>http://auditum.co/evento/soledad-medellin-laboratorio-de-arte-sonoro/


A review has been posted by Toneshift.net


Releasing tomorrow from independent Japanese imprint mAtter is an interesting collaborative work mixed by Yukitomo Hamasaki which fuses sixteen pieces into one. This marks the Tokyo-based label’s tenth anniversary, and their interests have always aligned with my own, art, sound + architecture. Aside from Hamasaki this recording includes work by: Edwin Lo, France Jobin, Go Koyashiki,Lars Lundehave Hansen, Luigi Turra, Masaya Kato and Miwa Okuno, Pe Lang, Richard Chartier, Stijn Hüwels and Tomas Philips.

Most of these artists (composers, visual artists, filmmakers) have brought us smart, minimal compositions over the past few decades, and here you can expect a whole lot of atmosphere. A few of these names are unfamiliar, so this will make for an exciting listen with those I have known, reviewed, worked with or enjoyed for many moons – especially since their actual portion here is somewhat anonymous and heard as part of a whole (see below). The tape comes with a download card and is limited to only 100 copies, and it’s broken simply into two tracks, side a and b.

Read more…

Thank you for the review!

And Thank y’all for support everything

Jacob Kirkegaard's installation "MELT" at DYSTOPIA Festival

mAtter released artist Jacob Kirkegaard installation “MELT“ at DYSTOPIA sound art Festival in Berlin.


MELT is a composition of audio recordings of ice melting in different stages. The sounds transform from the severe tone of the grinding of ice caps, to drips, to flowing water. MELT traces how water moves through different aggregate phases, from solid to liquid, changing the combination of molecules irrevocably. It is both a representation for constant flow and change, and for how human actions affect the world surrounding us.  All sounds were recorded in Greenland by Kirkegaard in 2013 and 2015.

 Jacob Kirkegaard (DK) is artist and composer. He uses recordings of highly specific environments like the human inner ear, Chernobyl or geysers. His works present listening as a means of experiencing the world. fonik.dk

DYSTOPIA Festival > http://www.dystopie-festival.net/wp/jacob-kirkegaard/?lang=en

our released information of Jacob Kirkegaard / Sabulation


This release information link > Jacob Kirkegaard / Sabulation

Lars Lundehave Hansen Perfomance at Open Days Festival

Lars Lundehave Hansen will be performance at OpenDays Festival.

Lars and mAtter are preparing for his release. Please stop by, If you are in Denmark!


Lars Lundehave Hansen

Fredag d. 14. september kl. 19

En performance – formet som en klingende rundtur med bus.
Påstigning ved Utzon Center på Havnekajen.

Lars Lundehave Hansen, lydkunstner

Atlas” (2018, Uropførelse)

Værket er en elektronisk komposition, der fortolker Aalborg med udgangspunkt i byens topografi, som den er formet af udviklingen fra industri- til kulturby. Præsentationen af værket afvikles som en geografisk afsøgning af både byen og lyden, i form af en bustur rundt i centrale dele af byområdet. På den måde skabes en ny lydside til Aalborg i bevægelse, der i dette set-up nærmest ændrer karakter fra by til film.

Lars Lundehave Hansen (1978) har markeret sig som en af Danmarks visionære lydkunstnere, og har gennem snart 2 årtier udforsket lyd i værker, hvor de fysiske og tekniske eksperimenter er centrale. Bl.a. i de konkrete visualiseringer af lyd, som peger tilbage på nogle af lydkunstens pionerer i deres ambition om at forene det skulpturelle med det instrumentale. Oplevelsen handler derfor om at bevæge sig rundt og observere, hvordan lyden og iscenesættelsen undersøger tid og rum på forskellig vis.

Han har modtaget flere præmieringer, bl.a. fra Statens Kunstfond og Ars Electronica, for sit arbejde med lyd som kunst. Værkerne har været opført på toneangivende gallerier og festivaler herhjemme og verden over siden 1999, senest ved en koncertrække i Japan i maj 2018.

I 2018 har Bygningsstyrelsen kommissioneret 4 permanente, stedspecifikke lydkunst-installationer, 2 udendørs og 2 indendørs, til Augustenborg Slot på Als og det er dermed den største offentlige bestilling af lydkunst fra en enkelt kunstner til dato.